A discussion series delivered by Marc Morell, social anthropologist and researcher at Riga Stradins University.
January 24, 28 & Feb 3, 2025
Gentrification has been a pervasive topic of research and reflection since it was first coined sixty years ago with the aim of including a class dimension to processes of urban renewal. Ever since, it has also been adopted in urban struggle with different levels of success although it has also been partially co-opted by those who promote it. In the three sessions at Luna6 we will go through the theory and the practice of gentrification, its latest developments and even the ways in which popular culture has dealt with it. Each session will end with an open discussion.
Real Estate Fiction: Places don't matter, the plot does
January 24, 19hrs
Through three film collages, the collective Left-Hand Rotation introduces us to gentrification and other adjacent topics in an original way that connects art and struggle.
Gentrification in theory
January 28, 19hrs
This talk will deal with the most passionate academic debates on gentrification, involving its history, explanation, periodisation and many other matters of interest.
Gentrification in practice
Feb 3, 19hrs
Gentrification happens in concrete places, many of which have the capacity of explaining how the process happens elsewhere. Research on Majorca will illustrate this, opening a discussion on cases that are more familiar to the audience.