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The Autonomous Library at Luna6 is a common resource, maintained and supported through your donations and some friendly publishers. The library holds a couple hundred zines and pamphlets, collected over the last decades, at infoshops that operated in Vilnius and Kaunas. The library also has tools for self-publishing: a zerox printer (a3 and a4 color/bw) and various instruments for binding publications. 

If you would like to take a look, join our weekly open library hours on Wed 16-20 or write to us (luna6library[a]gmail.com) to setup an appointment.

If you find a book, zine, etc. you would like to take with you, please, fill in this form ✷


The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions

Larry Mitchell

Contagion Press

  • Gender & Race

The Criminal Child

Jean Genet

Contagion Press

  • Gender & Race

To the Indomitable Hearts: The Prison Letters of Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello

Contagion Press

Enforcing Normalcy

Lennard J. Davis

  • Gender & Race

Housing Financialization. Trends, Actors and Processses

European Action Coalition for the right to Housing and the City

  • Urbanism

Restless Cities

Matthew Beaumont and Gregory Dart

  • Urbanism

In Letters of Blood and Fire. Work, Machines and the Crisis of Capitalism

George Caffentzis

Common Notions Press

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Wages for Students

George Caffentzis

Common Notions Press

In the Name of the People


Common Notions Press

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women

Silvia Federici

Common Notions Press

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

For Health Autonomy: Horizons of Care Beyond Austerity

Carenotes Collective

Common Notions Press

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Capitalism in the Web of Life

Jason W. Moore

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Atheism in Christianity

Ernst Bloch

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Artificial Hells

Claire Bishop

  • Art & Culture

The Ego and His Own

Max Stirner

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Franco “Bifo” Berardi

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

In Defense of Housing

David Madden and Peter Marcuse

  • Urbanism

Marx and Human Nature

Norman Geras

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Communal Luxury

Kristin Ross

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Imagined Communities

Benedict Anderson

  • History

Revolutionary Yiddishland

Alain Brossat and Sylvia Klingberg

  • History

The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe

Dylan Riley

  • History

Paradise Rot

Jenny Hval

  • Gender & Race


Timothy Morton

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The People’s Republic of Walmar

Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Jodi Dean

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Andrea Long Chu

  • Gender & Race

One Man’s Terrorist

Daniel Finn

  • History

We Have Never Been Middle Class

Hadas Weiss

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

On Ideology

Louis Althusser

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Return of the Political

Chantal Mouffe

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Burn It Down!

Breanne Fahs

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Resisting Evictions Across Europe

European Action Coalition for the right to Housing and the City

  • Urbanism

High-Risers: Cabrini-Green and the Fate of American Public Housing

Ben Austen

  • Urbanism

Revolting Prostitutes. The fight for Sex Workers’ Rights

Juno Mac and Molly Smith

  • Gender & Race

Normal Life. Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Resistance and The Limits of Law

Dean Spade

  • Gender & Race

Queering Anarchism

ed. C.B. Daring

  • Gender & Race


ed. Sarah Cook

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture


ed. Gabriel Levine

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

Look at hazards Look at Losses

Group for Conceptual Politics


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture


Michel Foucault

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Palestine Communist Party 1919–1948

Musa Budeiri

  • History

In Defense of Lost Causes

Slavoj Zizek

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Willing Slaves of Capital: Marx and Spinoza on desire

Frederic Lordon

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Apartheid Israel. The politics of an Analogy

ed. Jon Soske and Sean Jacobs

  • History

Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance

ed. Elizabeth Perry and Mark Selden

  • History

The Coming Insurrection

The Invisible Committee

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Meaning of Freedom

Angela Y. Davis

  • Gender & Race

Mongrel Firebugs

Steve Fraser

  • History

Guido Barroero

Cento anni di storia operaia

  • History

Nežemiško sekso fetišas


  • Gender & Race

Ar jau galvoji apie meilę?

H. Briukneris

Neoliberalizm: Historia karastrofy

David Harvey

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Przestrzenie globalnego kapitalizmu

David Harvey

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Przewodnik po Kapitale Karola Marksa

David Harvey

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Nešventasis sakramentas: ideologija, tikėjimas ir išsilaisvinimo politika

Andrius Bielskis

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Kūrybiškumo galia? Neoliberalistinės kultūros politikos kritika

Skaira Trilupaitytė

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Slavoj Žižek

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Marksizmas iš krikščionybė

Alasdair MacIntyre

Rusijos revoliucija Ukrainoje

Nestor Machno

  • History

Anarchizmas ir kitos esė

Emma Goldman

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Jokio kito dievo, tik Dievas

Reza Aslan

Carceral capitalism

Jackie Wang

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Look at Hazards, Look at Losses various authors

Group for conceptual politicas


The Philosophy of Marx

Etienne Balibar

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World without Work

Nick Srnicek, Alex Williams

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Reproducing authonomy: work, money, crisis & contemporary art

Kerstin Stakemeier and Marina Vishmidt

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

Organizsatin of the organisationless: collective action after networks

Rodrigo Nunes

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Наука логики, том 1-3


Работы разных лет


Энциклопедия философских наук



Актуальность прекрасного

Клод Леви-Стросс

Печальные тропики

Этапы развития социологической мысли

Раймон Арон

Логика, или Искусство мыслить

А. Арно, П. Николь

Открытое общество и его враги, I-II

Карл Поппер

Искусство и Политика

Антонио Грамши

Философский словарь

The War on Drugs and the Global Colour Line

Kojo Koram

  • Gender & Race

  • Urbanism

Capitalist Realism

Mark Fisher

Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Means without End: Notes on Politics

Giorgio Agamben

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Discourse on Colonialism

Aimé Césaire

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Ashkenazi Herbalism: Rediscovering the Herbal Traditions of Eastern European Jews

Deatra Cohen and Adam Siegel

  • History

The Conclusive Scene - Mao Zedong’s Last Meeting with the Red Guards, 28 June 1968


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Railway - An Adventure in Construction


  • History

  • Art & Culture

Free Jazz Communism


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

Coiled Verbal Spring: Devices of Lenin’s Language


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture



  • Art & Culture

The Author as Producer of Nothing


  • Art & Culture

Fake Star


  • Art & Culture

After Accountability: A Critical Genealogy of a Concept

Pinko, Wendy's Subway

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

No Logo

Naomi Klein

Fourth Estate

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Texturing Space Towards an Exponential Cartography

adocs Publishing

  • Urbanism

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

The Reservoir



  • Philosopy & Social Theory

(Ne)priklausomo šiuolaikinio meno istorijos

Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjunga

  • History

  • Art & Culture

(Ne)priklausomo šiuolaikinio meno istorijos II tomas

Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjunga

  • History

  • Art & Culture

Fossil Capital

Andreas Malm


  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Idea of Communism

eds. Costas Douzinas & Slavoj Žižek


  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Idea of Communism 2

ed. Slavoj Žižek


  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Red Love: A \reader on Alexandra Kollontai

eds. Maria Lind

  • Gender & Race

  • History

  • Art & Culture

Autonomia: Post-Political Politics

eds. Sylvère Lotringer and Christian Marazzi

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

No Wall They Can Build: A guide to borders and migration across North America


  • Gender & Race

Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World

Subcommandante Marcos

  • Gender & Race

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Только Сами: Доводы в пользу економики участия

Робин Ханель

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Autonomy Is in Our Hearts: Zapatista Autonomous Government through the Lens of the Tsotsil Language

Dylan Eldredge Fitzwater

  • Gender & Race

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Socrates the Skinhead: The Life of a Russian Antifascist

eds. Dmitry Okrest and Katya Arenina

  • History

  • Art & Culture

We are not afraid of ruins: On violent takeover of our home and social center Syrena by macho-anarchists

Syrena collective and friends

  • History


issues 1, 4 and 5

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


issue 3

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Datacide. Magazine for Noise and Politics

issues 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19

MUTE. Culture and Politics after the Net

Vol. 2 (nrs. 2, 3, 8 and 12), Vol 3 (nr. 4)

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

LIES. A Journal of Materialist Feminism

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Cesura//Acceso, journal for music, politics and poetics

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

International Industrial Union of Psychic, Reproductive and Destructive Workers

collection of 4 issues

CTM Magazine - Festival for Adventurous Music & Art

issues 15–19


ISSUES 3, 5, 6

The Undercommons

Fred Moten and Stefano Harney

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Formless Formation: Vignettes for the End of this World

Sandra Ruiz and Hypatia Vourloumis

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Paths to Autonomy

ed. Noah Brehmer

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

The Commonist Horizon: Futures Beyond Capitalist Urbanization

eds. Mary Taylor and Noah Brehmer

  • Urbanism

Ghosts Carry Messages of the Future!

Studies in Curating Art VI

  • Gender & Race

Dark Room: San Francisco Sex and Protest, 1988-2003

  • Art & Culture

Goodbye to Berlin

Christopher Isherwood

  • Art & Culture

The Origin of Capitalism: a Longer View

Ellen Meiksins Wood

  • History

Ghosts of my Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures

Mark Fisher

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

ABC of Anarchism

Alexander Berkman

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Living my Life: Volume One

Emma Goldman

  • History