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The Autonomous Library at Luna6 is a common resource, maintained and supported through your donations and some friendly publishers. The library holds a couple hundred zines and pamphlets, collected over the last decades, at infoshops that operated in Vilnius and Kaunas. The library also has tools for self-publishing: a zerox printer (a3 and a4 color/bw) and various instruments for binding publications. 

If you would like to take a look, join our weekly open library hours on Wed 16-20 or write to us (luna6library[a]gmail.com) to setup an appointment.

If you find a book, zine, etc. you would like to take with you, please, fill in this form ✷


The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions

Larry Mitchell

Contagion Press

  • Gender & Race

The Criminal Child

Jean Genet

Contagion Press

  • Gender & Race

To the Indomitable Hearts: The Prison Letters of Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello

Contagion Press

Enforcing Normalcy

Lennard J. Davis

  • Gender & Race

Housing Financialization. Trends, Actors and Processses

European Action Coalition for the right to Housing and the City

  • Urbanism

Restless Cities

Matthew Beaumont and Gregory Dart

  • Urbanism

In Letters of Blood and Fire. Work, Machines and the Crisis of Capitalism

George Caffentzis

Common Notions Press

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Wages for Students

George Caffentzis

Common Notions Press

In the Name of the People


Common Notions Press

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women

Silvia Federici

Common Notions Press

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

For Health Autonomy: Horizons of Care Beyond Austerity

Carenotes Collective

Common Notions Press

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Capitalism in the Web of Life

Jason W. Moore

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Atheism in Christianity

Ernst Bloch

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Artificial Hells

Claire Bishop

  • Art & Culture

The Ego and His Own

Max Stirner

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Franco “Bifo” Berardi

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

In Defense of Housing

David Madden and Peter Marcuse

  • Urbanism

Marx and Human Nature

Norman Geras

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Communal Luxury

Kristin Ross

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Imagined Communities

Benedict Anderson

  • History

Revolutionary Yiddishland

Alain Brossat and Sylvia Klingberg

  • History

The Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe

Dylan Riley

  • History

Paradise Rot

Jenny Hval

  • Gender & Race


Timothy Morton

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The People’s Republic of Walmar

Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Jodi Dean

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Andrea Long Chu

  • Gender & Race

One Man’s Terrorist

Daniel Finn

  • History

We Have Never Been Middle Class

Hadas Weiss

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

On Ideology

Louis Althusser

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Return of the Political

Chantal Mouffe

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Burn It Down!

Breanne Fahs

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Resisting Evictions Across Europe

European Action Coalition for the right to Housing and the City

  • Urbanism

High-Risers: Cabrini-Green and the Fate of American Public Housing

Ben Austen

  • Urbanism

Revolting Prostitutes. The fight for Sex Workers’ Rights

Juno Mac and Molly Smith

  • Gender & Race

Normal Life. Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Resistance and The Limits of Law

Dean Spade

  • Gender & Race

Queering Anarchism

ed. C.B. Daring

  • Gender & Race


ed. Sarah Cook

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture


ed. Gabriel Levine

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

Look at hazards Look at Losses

Group for Conceptual Politics


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture


Michel Foucault

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Palestine Communist Party 1919–1948

Musa Budeiri

  • History

In Defense of Lost Causes

Slavoj Zizek

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Willing Slaves of Capital: Marx and Spinoza on desire

Frederic Lordon

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Apartheid Israel. The politics of an Analogy

ed. Jon Soske and Sean Jacobs

  • History

Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance

ed. Elizabeth Perry and Mark Selden

  • History

The Coming Insurrection

The Invisible Committee

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Meaning of Freedom

Angela Y. Davis

  • Gender & Race

Mongrel Firebugs

Steve Fraser

  • History

Guido Barroero

Cento anni di storia operaia

  • History

Nežemiško sekso fetišas


  • Gender & Race

Ar jau galvoji apie meilę?

H. Briukneris

Neoliberalizm: Historia karastrofy

David Harvey

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Przestrzenie globalnego kapitalizmu

David Harvey

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Przewodnik po Kapitale Karola Marksa

David Harvey

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Nešventasis sakramentas: ideologija, tikėjimas ir išsilaisvinimo politika

Andrius Bielskis

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Kūrybiškumo galia? Neoliberalistinės kultūros politikos kritika

Skaira Trilupaitytė

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


Slavoj Žižek

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Marksizmas iš krikščionybė

Alasdair MacIntyre

Rusijos revoliucija Ukrainoje

Nestor Machno

  • History

Anarchizmas ir kitos esė

Emma Goldman

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Jokio kito dievo, tik Dievas

Reza Aslan

Carceral capitalism

Jackie Wang

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Look at Hazards, Look at Losses various authors

Group for conceptual politicas


The Philosophy of Marx

Etienne Balibar

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World without Work

Nick Srnicek, Alex Williams

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Reproducing authonomy: work, money, crisis & contemporary art

Kerstin Stakemeier and Marina Vishmidt

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

Organizsatin of the organisationless: collective action after networks

Rodrigo Nunes

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Наука логики, том 1-3


Работы разных лет


Энциклопедия философских наук



Актуальность прекрасного

Клод Леви-Стросс

Печальные тропики

Этапы развития социологической мысли

Раймон Арон

Логика, или Искусство мыслить

А. Арно, П. Николь

Открытое общество и его враги, I-II

Карл Поппер

Искусство и Политика

Антонио Грамши

Философский словарь

The War on Drugs and the Global Colour Line

Kojo Koram

  • Gender & Race

  • Urbanism

Capitalist Realism

Mark Fisher

Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Means without End: Notes on Politics

Giorgio Agamben

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Discourse on Colonialism

Aimé Césaire

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Ashkenazi Herbalism: Rediscovering the Herbal Traditions of Eastern European Jews

Deatra Cohen and Adam Siegel

  • History

The Conclusive Scene - Mao Zedong’s Last Meeting with the Red Guards, 28 June 1968


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Railway - An Adventure in Construction


  • History

  • Art & Culture

Free Jazz Communism


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

Coiled Verbal Spring: Devices of Lenin’s Language


  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture



  • Art & Culture

The Author as Producer of Nothing


  • Art & Culture

Fake Star


  • Art & Culture

After Accountability: A Critical Genealogy of a Concept

Pinko, Wendy's Subway

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

No Logo

Naomi Klein

Fourth Estate

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Texturing Space Towards an Exponential Cartography

adocs Publishing

  • Urbanism

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

The Reservoir



  • Philosopy & Social Theory

(Ne)priklausomo šiuolaikinio meno istorijos

Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjunga

  • History

  • Art & Culture

(Ne)priklausomo šiuolaikinio meno istorijos II tomas

Lietuvos tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjų sąjunga

  • History

  • Art & Culture

Fossil Capital

Andreas Malm


  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Idea of Communism

eds. Costas Douzinas & Slavoj Žižek


  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

The Idea of Communism 2

ed. Slavoj Žižek


  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


issues 1, 4 and 5

  • Philosopy & Social Theory


issue 3

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Datacide. Magazine for Noise and Politics

issues 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19

MUTE. Culture and Politics after the Net

Vol. 2 (nrs. 2, 3, 8 and 12), Vol 3 (nr. 4)

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

LIES. A Journal of Materialist Feminism

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Cesura//Acceso, journal for music, politics and poetics

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

International Industrial Union of Psychic, Reproductive and Destructive Workers

collection of 4 issues

CTM Magazine - Festival for Adventurous Music & Art

issues 15–19


ISSUES 3, 5, 6

The Undercommons

Fred Moten and Stefano Harney

  • Gender & Race

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Formless Formation: Vignettes for the End of this World

Sandra Ruiz and Hypatia Vourloumis

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

Paths to Autonomy

ed. Noah Brehmer

  • History

  • Philosopy & Social Theory

  • Art & Culture

The Commonist Horizon: Futures Beyond Capitalist Urbanization

eds. Mary Taylor and Noah Brehmer

  • Urbanism

Ghosts Carry Messages of the Future!

Studies in Curating Art VI

  • Gender & Race

Dark Room: San Francisco Sex and Protest, 1988-2003

  • Art & Culture

Rab-Rab Press Donation 🥰


Rab-Rab – the “contradictory” press

The Helsinki based Rab-Rab press shows us their solidarity, donating 10 new titles for the Luna6 common library. A substantial undertaking, Rab-Rab is committed to the exploration of art and aesthetics, as revolutionary political forms. Yet, opposed to the idea of political art as instrumental social service, the circle of thinkers, artists and activists surrounding Rab-Rab defend art as a social contradiction: the artistic act as that which puts on the table what cannot and should not be – the opening of a “non-dominative space” for experience. Notably, splitting with the post-modern camp that emerged in the 80s with art theorists like Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss and others, Rabrab follows a faction that returned to the modern avant-garde. Inspired by radical artistic experiments under existing state socialism that were overshadowed by monolithic Western accounts of Eastern Block life; the Rabrab collection features everything from new translations of texts from the early Russian socialist avant-garde, to reflections on the Yugoslav punk movement in the 80s and onto the story of “free jazz communism” in the US.


Books include:

The Conclusive Scene - Mao Zedong’s Last Meeting with the Red Guards, 28 June 1968

The Railway - An Adventure in Construction

Free Jazz Communism




Coiled Verbal Spring: Devices of Lenin’s Language


The Author as Producer of Nothing

Fake Star